On the Go in an Airstream: Outdoor Living with Heidi Swanson of 101 Cookbooks
Camp Cooking

Admiring her dress? We were, too, and discovered Heidi sews her signature uniform herself: “Every year I make a number of dresses that I work in. Between cooking all the time, camping, and having a dog, I’m so hard on clothes. I’ve probably made five or six versions of this dress in different fabrics; I do a bit of a hack on this Vali Dress.

The donabe is shown here on a grill over a campground fire pit, but Heidi often uses it on a single-burner Iwatani Rugged Camp Stove; $149.99. “When not in use, the donabe sits in the box it came in to protect it while we’re driving.” Also cooking over the fire in a de Buyer Blue Carbon Steel Frying Pan, $50: blistered vegetables to be served with a salsa negra (“it’s a version of Gabriela Cámara’s Salsa Negra from Kitchn”).