
Bathroom shelves

In this video I demonstrate the process of making wooden oak shelves for my sister’s bathroom. My sister and her husband live in Switzerland, because of the epidemic of COVID-19, and then because of the war that Russia started against Ukraine, they could not come to us for a long time. Today in Ukraine we are getting rid of everything Russian. This year on December 25, we celebrate Christmas according to the Gregorian calendar for the first time. And we are looking forward to the arrival of our guests from Switzerland on Christmas Eve. So I decided to finish the renovations in their part of our shared house, and my young children helped me with this.

The war started by Russia against Ukraine has been going on for 9 months.
On February 24, the Russians came to our land to commit genocide against the Ukrainian people, to kill, rape, rob, destroy and intimidate. The horrors of this day will remain in our memory forever, but this day of Russian aggression strengthened us as a nation, today we have a common goal – to destroy the occupier who came to us with weapons in their hands, and then we will demand a fair punishment for all war criminals and their leaders for all the atrocities and destruction they committed and continue to commit on the territory of Ukraine.
Today, November 11, is an important day for all Ukrainians, the day of the strategic victory of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the day of the liberation of the city of Kherson from Russian occupation. This administrative centre was occupied by Russian forces during their invasion of Ukraine In March 2022.
Ukrainians continue to defend their right to live. We support our army in every possible way and believe in our victory, Ukraine was before Russia and will remain so after. All empires are collapsing, this one will fall too.
We thank all our allies and partners in this war.
We feel the support of the world, and this gives us strength in this liberation struggle.

We believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine!
We believe in victory!
Glory to Ukraine!